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Some people may find it difficult to voice out certain concerns because of a fear of being judged. As a result, important queries can be left unanswered, and dilemmas unsolved.

This can be observed when it comes to concerns about a person’s bodily health and appearance. One example that can be used is the issue of scalp health. A person may feel shy about sharing their personal experience with this health issue and, as a result, may fail to get the solutions that could help his condition.

Getting the right information is an important step in finding the right solution to any health concern. To help you learn more about scalp problems and treatment options, this article compiles four questions and their corresponding answers containing facts that could help clear up scalp-related matters you may be hesitant to ask about.

1.  Q: How do I get rid of dandruff?

Dandruff is the mildest form of seborrheic dermatitis that is caused by a type of yeast that thrives in the oils of the skin. This causes irritation, flaking, and scaling, which can cause discomfort as well as affect one’s appearance.

While there is still no cure, there are plenty of dandruff treatments that work well in addressing the flaky and itchy symptoms (which are the primary reasons why people may feel embarrassed about having dandruff).

In most cases, dandruff can be managed by using a special kind of shampoo made specifically for it. If that doesn’t work, you can try using a mild topical steroid solution in the form of a cream for the skin.

2.  Q: Do lice cause head sores?

The short answer is “no.” However, there’s more to it than that.

Lice are tiny, wingless bugs that feed on human blood while hiding on the scalp. These ectoparasites have a life cycle of 33 to 35 days and may cause itchiness when they feed.

While these bugs don’t cause head sores on their own, they contribute to their emergence. This is because the area the lice feed on becomes itchy, causing the person to scratch their head. Excessive scratching can lead to sores that are often painful and can sometimes become infected.

To determine if you have lice, check whether pinhead-like lice eggs are attached to the strands of your hair. There may also be fully grown lice that are about the size and shape of a sesame seed.

To get rid of these pesky parasites, you could try using over-the-counter anti-lice shampoos or natural remedies like applying vinegar to your scalp. If these fail, it’s best to consult a medical professional for other treatments.

3.  Q: Is it possible to get ringworm on my scalp?

Because the scalp is basically composed of skin, ringworm can definitely appear on this part of your head. However, ringworm on the scalp may come in a different form than when it appears on other parts of the body.

Keep in mind that ringworm is not an actual “worm.” Rather, it is a skin infection caused by fungi. It also goes by different names depending on the infected part of the body.

When it is found on the head, it may come in two different forms: tinea capitis and kerion. Tinea capitis is characterized by patches of itchy skin that often cause hair loss and may worsen over time. Kerion, on the other hand, is a pus-filled bump found on the scalp that can be painful, especially when touched.

4.  Q: How do I stop my hair from falling out?

Hair loss can be caused by a wide range of conditions and classified under several types. Also, its causes depend on a variety of factors, such as gender, age, family history, and health, among others.

For instance, the generalized thinning of the hair without any patterns of bald spots is called diffuse hair loss. Other people rarely notice this, but the person with thinning hair will definitely feel the difference.

The most common conditions under diffuse hair loss include telogen effluvium and androgenic hair loss.

Telogen effluvium is most commonly found in newborn infants who shed hair rapidly after birth. However, it can also be observed in a person after a high fever or sudden loss of weight (e.g., crash dieting). Severe stress or emotional loss and surgical procedures may cause hair fall as well.

On the other hand, androgenic hair loss is more popularly known as male or female pattern baldness. Also known as androgenetic, this type of diffuse hair loss is attributed to a person’s genetic makeup. In short, if you have a relative who had male or female pattern baldness, you are genetically predisposed to have the condition as well.

4 Tips to Prevent Hair Loss Due to Breakage

While there is no direct solution in preventing your hair from falling out, you may try undergoing hair loss treatments for men and women. Many people find those treatments beneficial.

You may also try these four tips for keeping your locks strong and healthy to avoid breakage (which is one reason why strands fall out):

  1. Manage your stress levels. When you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night or having a hard time falling asleep, it may be a sign that you’re too stressed. Make sure to manage your stress levels by meditating, engaging in hobbies that calm you down, and taking a break from the cause of your stress.
  2. Eat healthily. Hair loss can also be attributed to a lack of nourishment, so make sure to maintain a hair-friendly diet. This should include eggs, berries, spinach, fish, sweet potatoes, avocadoes, sweet peppers, and nuts and seeds.
  3. Avoid brushing wet hair. Don’t brush your hair while it is still wet. At this time, your locks are in their weakest state and are most prone to breakage. However, if you have no choice but to tame your unruly hair while it is still damp, you should do so using a wide-toothed comb or your fingers.
  4. Stay hydrated. Keeping yourself well hydrated is another crucial practice you should maintain to keep your hair strong and healthy. Since a quarter of the hair is composed of water, be sure to drink your daily water requirement of four to eight cups per day.

Healthier Scalp, Boosted Confidence

Keeping your scalp healthy is very important, not only for your physical health but also for your mental and emotional well-being. Understand, however, that although scalp issues can be treated, having them can affect a person’s self-confidence. The best step to take would be to do your research and see a trusted specialist who can talk to you about your concerns and help you keep your scalp and hair healthy.


Vandana Luthra founded VLCC in New Delhi, India as a beauty and slimming services center in 1989. Today, it is widely recognized for its comprehensive portfolio of beauty and wellness products and services and also enjoys a high level of consumer trust. The VLCC Group’s operations currently span 330 locations in over 150 cities and 14 countries across Asia and Africa.