We all know how important it is to check our skin for abnormal moles, but that means that finding a mole can cause real panic. Moles are simply clusters of pigmented skin cells known as melanocytes, and it’s perfectly natural to have them and for new moles to appear throughout our lifetime. Some moles, however, can be a sign of skin cancer, and for non-medically trained people it can be hard to distinguish a malignant mole from a benign one. That’s why it’s important to seek expert help if you’re worried about moles on your body, and today’s technology makes the accurate assessment and removal of moles easier than ever before.

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Mole Mapping and Assessment

If you’re worried about a mole, you should seek specialist advice from an expert dermatology clinic such as The London Dermatology Centre. They not only have highly trained and qualified doctors and nurses, they also use the latest mole mapping technology. After an initial dermatological examination, a hand held magnified camera lens known as a dermatoscope is used to zoom in on any moles that appear suspicious; the dermatologist can then determine whether a mole is benign or potentially malignant, allowing them to take speedy action if required.

Quick and Pain Free Mole Removal

If the dermatologist determines that any mole requires removal, it’s a quick and painless procedure and it’s even possible to have a mole removed during a lunch break and be back at work with no after effects. There are three mole removal methods, and the dermatology team will find the procedure that’s best suited to you and your mole. Electric surgery using a hyfrecator is the quickest procedure and is ideal for the removal of small moles. Alternatively, moles can be removed via shave excision or, for deeper seated moles, ellipse excision. Both procedures typically take around twenty minutes and leave nothing worse than a minor scar which will fade over time.

The Importance of Regular Mole Checks

One of the signs of a potentially abnormal or malignant mole is a change in size or colour, or a mole that takes on an irregular shape, which is why it’s important to have moles monitored and checked on a regular basis. If you have moles it makes sense to have them checked on at least an annual basis by a dermatologist, who’ll then be able to compare your moles to their appearance at the previous assessment.

Modern technology has transformed the way that physicians can inspect moles and remove moles, which is a great advance in the battle against skin cancer. As assessment and removal procedures are also swift, it means that a patient can resume their everyday life with the minimum of inconvenience. One of the great advantages of this is that it gives the patient peace of mind, after all, whilst most moles are benign, they can still cause stress and mental unrest if left unchecked. Early detection greatly improves the chance of successful treatment, so if you’re concerned about a mole consult an expert today.