Foods for our health changes are a must to keep us healthy, our immune systems healthy, our body’s disease free or at least to the best of our abilities. We have allowed our bodies to become run-down, disease ridden and our immune systems to become so challenged we don’t know the next step for a healthy lifestyle. We need to start using our raw foods as a medicine to bring our bodies back to the created state when we were babies and nursing for our nutritional needs.

In order to do this and to heal, we need to treat the body as a whole, not as one affected by disease. Nutrition needs to include the mental, spiritual and emotional health as well. If we honestly give our bodies what it wants to survive, the nutrients, the calories and the love it craves and stop poisoning it with toxins from our foods and that toxic thoughts of doubt and despair, our bodies can heal and repair and put us back to balancing life. To do this we will have to start including organic fresh fruits.

We will need to start by cleansing our systems of all of those processed, sugar laden drinks and snacks, and over-cooked foods that are so depleted of all the nutrients that we are starving our bodies with. We need to drink more pure water and add the great fibres to our daily diets for the best elevation of toxins that we have ingested into our bodies and causing a severe over-load to it dealing with life’s pressures. I’m sure if you will listen to your body, you will have an idea what I’m talking about here with digestive problems, constipation bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, skin eruptions, wrinkles and the list goes on.

Tips for starters include: returning to a healthy, raw foods diets, nuts and seeds and I recommend that you add juicing to your daily routine. These raw foods can be juiced and made into smoothes of all flavours to suit your taste.

I also suggest that you follow a diet of at least 85% raw and 15% cooked on a daily basis. Some ideas for you to consider might be to freshly extract vegetable juices such as carrot and a handful of spinach leaves into the juicer. I sometimes add an apple for sweetener to mine.

Beans of all kinds are great for fibre and nutrients. These can include green beans, peas, sprouted garbanzos, sprouted lentils and sprouted mug. Nuts and seeds can include raw almonds, sunflower seeds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, and you can make your own almond butters and of course use this sparingly.

The oils that are wonderful for us are your extra virgin olive oils, flax seed oils, freshly ground flaxseed is great additive to salad and raw soups as well and I love the avocados as well for healthy oils. All raw vegetables are an excellent source to keep our bodies running smoothly and offer lots of nutrients.

Foods that can be cooked are the beans varieties such as Lima, black, kidney, navy, pinto, red and the white ones. Whole grain pastas are great then top with fresh tomato sauce and finely chopped vegetables for an awesome dish for the whole family.

Take a stand and take charge of your health matters which can be your health change. Your body is your castle and deserve the best foods and drinks available to keep you doing all of those daily tasks full speeds and to have a fun filled schedule for all.