11 Essential Vitamins and Minerals Your Body Needs - Goodnet

The roles of nutrients in the body cannot be stressed enough. Indeed, they represent the building blocks of the human body. As a result, they are needed in the body system in the right amount. With this in mind, it is safe to affirm that all living cells require minerals to maintain their important functions and structure.

In the right amount, these minerals are essential for the appropriate composition of blood and other body fluids. They also make up other tissues, including bones and teeth. To explain more about how important these nutrients are, this guide will provide an insight into their role in the body.

What Are Minerals?

Minerals are chemicals that are found naturally. Whenever there is erosion, rocks and stones break down to form part of the soil. Minerals are then passed to the plant. Herbivores and omnivores can then receive these essential nutrients.

The Food and Drug Administration defines minerals as inorganic substances that are not synthesized by living things. They are classified into two categories: trace nutrients and macronutrients. Trace nutrients are needed in little quantity to maintain top health. However, macronutrients are required in large quantities in the body.

Types of Minerals And Their Functions in The Body

Various minerals perform different roles in the body. While bodybuilders embrace different available steroids for sale, consuming diets with the right minerals can make a significant difference. This section will provide an insight into their responsibilities.


Calcium makes up about 2% of the total body weight, making it the most abundant mineral in the body. Almost all the minerals in the bones and teeth are calcium. Indeed, calcium is needed in the body to build healthy bones and teeth. Besides this, calcium can also help in the regulation of cardiovascular functions, as well as enzymes’ activities. Individuals are often advised to consume approximately 1g of elemental calcium every day.


Biochemical activities in the body require more magnesium than any other mineral in the body system. Magnesium takes part in more than 300 metabolic reactions. As a result, having this mineral in the body is essential. Furthermore, it is also essential in monitoring heart rhythms. However, consuming magnesium in excess can be harmful. Sources of minerals include fruits, vegetables, and grains.


This mineral is essential for various organ functions even though the requirements of potassium can be met in diets. Potassium can be found in vegetables, fruits, poultry, grains, fish, and meat. The potassium levels in the human body are generally good unless the individual suffers from cardiovascular diseases. As a result, potassium supplements are only prescribed by doctors.


This is one of the most important minerals in the body. All organs require oxygen to function properly. To transport oxygen, hemoglobin – a compound of iron responsible for the redness of the blood – combines with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin and is transported to every part of the body. Deficiency in this mineral can cause tissue inflammation, anemia, and fatigue. Despite its essence in the body, iron supplementation should only be based on prescription.


Sodium is an important mineral that is present in the food we eat, as well as the salts that are used for seasoning foods. While sodium deficiency is rare, having it excess is common among many people. Such individuals are often advised to reduce the amount of sodium they consume. In high quantities, sodium is capable of raising blood pressure. Excessive amounts of sodium can also cause kidney problems and potassium deficiency.

Bottom Line

In the right quantity, minerals are essential to facilitate almost every activity of the body. They come in different types, each contributing to various functions in the body system. By understanding the roles they assume in the body, we can watch out for the kind of minerals we consume, as well as the quantity, which is only good for our health.