We all get injured at some point, so it’s crucial to know how to properly care for a wound. Improper care can lead to infections, illness, and potentially dangerous consequences. When cared for correctly, your wound should heal quickly and leave a minimal scar to remind you of the accident. Follow these steps to make sure you get it right.

  1. Have a first aid kit ready: Having gauze, mild soap, sanitizing products and bandages to hand in your home will ensure that you’re completely prepared to take care of cuts or injuries at home. Get everything you need from healthcare equipment suppliers and make sure you have all of the medical care products available to keep your wound clean and cared for while it heals
  2. Clean quickly: Before you attempt to dress your wound, it’s important to clean the area thoroughly. Use cool water, a washcloth and a mild, un-fragranced soap to gently cleanse the cut. This can be uncomfortable, but it’s crucial if you want to protect yourself from infections.
  3. Apply an ointment: Antibiotic ointments are useful for keeping bacteria out of your wound and adding moisture to the area so it feels more comfortable. Apply a thin layer with clean fingers, and reapply regularly to prevent infection.
  4. Bandage the wound :If you have a minor, light wound in an uncovered area of your body, you may be able to leave it uncovered, depending on your doctor’s recommendation. If the cut is deep or on an area of your body that comes into contact with clothing or fabric, it’s wise to cover it with an adhesive bandage to protect it from being injured further or becoming infected. For burns or very irritated wounds, opt for a gel sheet to keep the injury covered without causing additional discomfort.
  5. Change the dressing: For wounds that are covered with a bandage, make sure you change the bandages on a daily basis. This will help keep the wound clean without exposing it to irritants or bacteria.
  6. Look out for signs of infection: While most wounds should heal without any complications, infections are a possibility. Look out for the common symptoms and make sure you contact your doctor if you spot any of these signs: consistent bleeding even after several minutes of pressure, green or yellow fluid coming from the wound, warmth or soreness around the wound, swollen lymph nodes, fever, or general feeling of flu-like illness. These signs can be subtle, so it’s important to be alert for any indications of an infection and act swiftly if you spot anything.
  7. Help prevent severe scarring: Most wounds will leave some kind of scar, but early action can reduce its severity. Use a high-SPF sunscreen over the wound once it’s healed, and massage the area throughout the healing process to prevent collagen formation. Take it easy while the wound is healing and avoid any activity that pulls at the wound, as this can prevent proper recovery. Aim to eat nutritious foods that boost tissue healing, particularly foods that are high in vitamin C, zinc, and protein : While it may be tempting to splash out on a quick fix, try to avoid expensive products that claim to eliminate scar formation – they’re usually overpriced and provide minimal results.