The number one addiction in the United States today is alcohol. Often, this leads to divorce. However, this isn’t the right answer for everyone. There are some people who don’t believe in divorce for one reason or another, and others who want to stick by their partner no matter what. If you’re one of these people, there are some other things you can do.

How Alcoholism Affects Marriage

It’s important to start by looking at the different facets in which alcoholism is affecting your marriage. Only then will you truly understand its impact on it so you can take the right steps to deal with things.

According to the NIAAA (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) the classic ways in which your marriage is affected include:

  • Broken communication exists, if there’s any communication at all.
  • Alcoholic spouses oftentimes become violent while drunk.
  • The alcoholic spouse is often envious of the non-alcoholic spouse’s life and friends.
  • Money problems.
  • Economic instability.
  • Daily activities are greatly interrupted.
  • Oftentimes separation and divorce occur.

Tips to Help You Deal with Your Spouse’s Alcoholism

When you notice these things occurring in your marriage, it’s time to take some action to preserve your sanity. So, here are some ways in which you can deal with your spouse’s alcoholism:

  • Don’t cover up the situation because this only allows your spouse to continue with their addiction in peace. While it may sound harsh, the best way to allow your spouse to see they really do have a problem is by letting them feel the full consequences of their actions. So, make sure you never call your spouse off “sick” from work or make any other excuses for them along the way.
  • Take steps to ensure your safety. Make sure you leave when your alcoholic spouse grows violent.
  • Make sure you have friends and support for yourself.
  • Don’t nag, but do find a time when your spouse isn’t drunk and talk to them about their behavior. Explain to them how worried you are and give them specific examples why. There will be push back and unkind words, so be ready for this by involving trusted friends and family members in this conversation with you. This is a good time to give your spouse an ultimatum: if they don’t get help, you won’t attend social events with them or you’ll leave. Remember, idle threats won’t work or help, so make sure you’re ready to carry through on them.
  • When your spouse is finally ready to accept help, make sure you’re there to help them find the right treatment or alcohol rehab center such as Beachway. You can learn about their alcohol rehab program

Take Care of Yourself

Hopefully, your spouse will eventually find the help they need to deal with their alcohol addiction. However, until that time comes, it’s important for you to always remember that you’re the only one who can change the situation you’re in. Since you deserve to live a great life, it’s time to take action and improve your situation. Truthfully, it’s up to you, not your spouse.