6 Yoga Poses to Beat Monday Blues
Monday is certainly not the favourite day of the week for many. The abrupt end of the pleasant two-day long weekend, letting go of your cozy blanket and stepping out on a chilly cold winter morning can be the most brutal things to do to oneself. Alas!Such is life.
That feeling when the last piece of your favourite sweet plops on the floor during a sumptuous feast,or when your latest mobile phone slips from your fingers to rest on the floor. The sound of track pants ripping apart while exercising, when you cut your finger instead of chopping vegetables—add all the stress and pain that come from the above and what you get is called ‘Monday Blues’.
So, are you also dreading Monday already?
It seems like we all fear this ‘monster’. We hate it, and we certainly want to scream how it makes us frown and awful. Frankly, don’t you sometimes wish our honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi to ban Monday instead of old currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000?
Weekends are amazing, coz, they simply are WEEKENDS. But as all good things come to an end, after every Sunday there comes a Monday. And that’s when the delicious coffee tastes bitter. The weekend always seems to fly quickly while weekdays often drag.
After every relaxed and peaceful weekend, dragging yourself to work seems like an uphill task. Now the weekend is over, and the dark clouds of Monday blues are hovering over you, don’t fret. We offer you the right solution to keep the dark clouds at bay: Yoga. By continuously doing yoga, you can ward off the Monday blues. These will set your spirits high, and even the mundane job will excite you.
Let’s look at some yoga poses to beat the Monday blues:
Source: http://www.yoganonymous.com/
Keep your stomach and bowels empty before practising this asana. To get into this posture, lie on your back and press your legs against the wall. Take some deep breaths and stay in that pose for at least ten to 15 minutes. Lie downyour body a few inches away from the wall if sliding next to it causes uneasiness.
ArdhaChandrasana (Half-moon pose)
The moon enjoys rich symbolic importance in yoga mythology. Step toyour right side, bend your right knee and place your right hand on the surface. Then shift your weight on the right foot while stacking the right shoulder over the right hand. Now lift both your left leg and left arm. It is a balancing act which expands the chest region and your shoulders. This asana brings happiness.
AdhoMukhSvanasana(Downward facing dog pose)
Come onto the floor and set your knees directly below your hips and hands firmly down. Put your feet in and lift your hips higher and try to reach your heels down. It is a good asana that supports your head and releases your tension. It gives you a sense of spaciousness and is good for your spinal cord.
Shalabhasana (Locust pose)
Lie on a surface with your chin on the ground and hands firmly on both the sides. Slowly bring your hands under your legs to support them. Then slowly start inhaling and lifting your both legs upwards without bending knees as much as you can without causing strain. Stay in the same position for at least a minute. After that, slowly start releasing your position by bringing down your legs back to the original position. Rest for a few seconds and then repeat the same process. This asana works wonders in uplifting your mood and relieving stress instantly.
ShalambhaShirsasan (Supported Head Stand)
It is an inverted posture in which you stand on your head upside down with the support of your hands. It is a great therapeutic posture for which a high degree of focus is required. It calms the body and alleviates stress.
SalambaSarvangasana(Supported Shoulder Stand)
Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com
Lie down on the back and with the support of the shoulders, take the entire body from the torso upwards and balance it straight. It is a great posture to balance and calm the mind.
Irrespective of which day it is, practisethe above yoga poses regularly and experience the happiness that dawns over. A few minutes of yoga a day and you can keep stress and anxiety at bay. The buzz around yoga has struck a chord with health or medicalim insurance companies in India as well. They have, in fact, started covering yoga in their health insurance policies also. It means, any medical expenses incurred on yoga treatment are covered by health insurance policies, provided the treatment takes place at a government hospital or in any institute recognised by the government and/or accredited by Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board of Health.
Remember, yoga is a continuous process and the deeper you go into it, the more profound benefits you will receive.
Have a great Monday!
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