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The word ‘yogi’ is used freely, casually & informally in the western world. It refers to anyone who does yoga. It doesn’t matter if it’s a little or a lot. On day one of trying a yoga pose class, you get called a “yogi”.
You are a dancer, just like when you take a dance class. Or if you run, you’re called a ‘runner’. But there’s more context & nuance to explore here.
My background …
I was born & raised in various parts of Southern India for 27 years. I learned aspects of yoga culturally. But I started a formalized asana & yoga teacher study education much later in life. I eventually moved to the United States shortly thereafter. For the past 9 years, I call Seattle home. I run a yoga studio up here. I created educational yoga content weekly for yoga teachers & enthusiasts through my Let’s talk Yoga podcast, this blog, YouTube channel & my Instagram account.
Surprise or shock?
I had many culture shock moments once I moved to the US. I also noticed many differences between yoga in India & Yoga here in the US. One of the things that stood out to me was that many sacred terms, titles & words were thrown around casually. Without regard, respect, or reverence.
Yogi was one such term.
What does “Yogi” mean?
The word yogi is derived from the root word, yogin. Which in its most basic form means a practitioner of yoga. Yogini is a woman, whereas yogi is technically a man. The earliest references to Yogis can be found in the Rig veda.
Where’s the problem?
The western yoga world has not only a problem of cultural appropriation of yoga. but also one of simplifying things too much. Anyone can read the Wikipedia definition of yogi and think they’re one. But there’s more nuance & context that’s missing. To understand this, let’s explore some basic characteristics to call yourself a yogi…
Yogi not a term but a title…
Usually, one is bestowed the title of yogi or yogini. Either by society that acknowledges the spiritual work that a yogi does. Or by one’s Guru. Usually, it’s not a self-given title. So growing up, we were always taught to revere a yogi. Because not everyone can make the journey and sacrifices that a devout yogi chooses to make.
Characteristics of a yogi…
A yogi spends a lifetime in the pursuit of the internal goals of yoga.
A yogi severs all ties to society. As relationship are seen as an impediment to spiritual realization
A yogi gives up all forms of gratification including sensual indulgences
A yogi lives with little to no possessions. As the more he has the more he’s stuck in the material world.
A yogi lives in the most basic manner. Often with no money & solely on the kindness of others
A yogi does severe penance. By that I don’t mean a 2-hour intense asana class
A yogi studies the shastras (yogic texts) & is well-versed in all aspects of yoga
One has to be deserving of a yogis time & knowledge.
There’s more. However, outlining the most fundamental prerequisites for becoming a yogi. India is diverse…
Most westerns can’t wrap their head around the vast diversity that exists in India. There are many cultural nuances. Not to forget British colonization – the impact & trauma it had. At one point in our history, yogis were regarded as “undesirable.” A result of the ‘divide & conquer strategy used by the British to colonize & destroy India. The revival of yoga in India is happening surely post-colonization. But more on this topic another day, if you’re interested.
Can you use the word yogi?
That’s a decision you make. I can only tell you, I don’t call myself a yogi or yogini. Nor do I let others call me a yogi. Because I don’t do one-tenth of the work that yogis do for mankind or for yoga.I also don’t refer to any of my students as yogis either.
It’s not just me, all the teachers I’ve studied with in India & other students – no one called themselves a yogi once in 27 years. Doesn’t that say something?