Melanin is responsible to maintain the color of our skin and in the case of destruction in these pigments you will see white spots developing on the skin. This is called vitiligo, it affects people of all races equally. Both genders are affected by this disease and this is more visible on those people who have darker skin. This disease starts with small patches on the skin and grows bigger with the time. People who are between 10 to 30 years of age are moreprone to this disease. People are interested to know about how to cure vitiligo must read this article.



There are different causes identified for these white patches, but not a definite cause has been identified find so far. Experts opine that it is a problem of autoimmune disease which affects the pigment cells.

  • It is also noticed after a prolonged illness and continuous stress. Prolonged disease may serve as a triggering agent in many people.
  • Scientists also revealed that heredity is also an important factor. People who have a family history of heredity are prone to this disease.

Symptoms of Vitiligo

  • You will seethe occurrence of white patches on the skin.
  • You will find these white patches more on that part of the skin, which is exposed to the sun like face, lips, hands and


  • In some cases white patches are also visible on mucous membranes like the inside of the mouth.
  • Change in the color of the retina may also be noticed.

Sun Protection

If you are affected by Vitiligo, then it is imperative on your part to use a sunscreen lotion of SPF 30. Make sure that your sunscreen lotion is providing protection against UVA and UVB rays. This will help you to reduce the patches up to some extent. You are supposed to wear this lotion every time you go out in the sun.It will protect the tanning of your skin and white patches will not be noticed.


If your skin is showing too much of white patches, then you also make natural cosmetic to cover the area. You can also use self tanner to deal with the white patches on your skin.

Save Your Skin from Cuts

 A small cut skin on your skin will further deteriorate the condition. A cut on your skin will not only give you pain and bleeding, but it may also cause Vitilgo on the affected area.

Turmeric and Mustard Oil

You can also use turmeric and mustard oil on your skin. Turmeric has excellent medicinal properties and it is commonly used as a spice.

  • Take five teaspoonsof turmeric powder and mix it with organic mustard oil to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the white patches of your body and wash it after 20 minutes.

You have to use this two times a day for a month to see the considerable reduction in the color of the white patches how to cure vitiligo is a commonly asked question in online health forums. People are more interested to know about natural treatments to cure this ailment.