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As a college student, you might find that you spend a lot of time sat in front of a computer working. And, whilst working is hugely important when it comes to doing well in your masters in public relations degree, the sedentary lifestyle that studying can lead to can often result in issues such as a lack of energy, weight gain, aches and pains, insomnia, and a whole host of other issues. Getting regular exercise is even more so important as a student as it allows you to have more energy and a clearer mind when studying. But, with so much to be done, how can you squeeze some physical activity into your busy routine?

Record Your Lectures

You might be wondering how recording your lectures could make it easier for you to get more exercise, but having audio files of classes can be great as you can listen to them while walking or at the gym, for example. Although you won’t be able to take notes, listening as you walk, run or workout will still help you to take in plenty of information and perhaps look at what you’ve learned in a different light. If you’re not permitted to record lectures (usually, most lecturers will be fine with it if you ask) or if you’re studying online for an online public relations degree with no physical classes, you could read back the lecture notes and record yourself instead.

Get a Bicycle

With everyone doing as much as they can to save the planet and reduce climate change, reducing the number of vehicles on the road has never been so important. With more and more people using the car for short journeys, though, it’s not just the environment that this is affecting – our health has also seen an impact. Instead of driving on those shorter journeys to work, college or the store, cycle instead to be kinder to the planet and to your health!

Make Some Money

As a college student, you’ll probably jump at the chance to make a bit of an extra income. So, why not make some money by exercising more, for example by coaching kids sports or even offering your services as a dog walker in the area? Doing something that you enjoy, whilst being paid for it at the same time, is definitely one of the best ways to squeeze in some extra exercise!

Join a Sports Team

Although many colleges have sports teams that play professionally, you don’t have to be at this level in order to play college sports. Many colleges will also offer intermediate and beginner groups, so your college years are the perfect time to get involved in learning and playing a new sport. Not only is this a great way to get fit and exercise more, you’ll also meet some great new friends and some sports classes could even go towards your final results!

Exercising and staying fit in college can be difficult when you’re pressed for time. But, you don’t have to set aside hours per day in the gym to exercise at college!