Why Visit a Sexual Health Doctor?
Getting regular checkups with the doctor and having your yearly physical is never something you should miss. Being sexually active heightens the need to go because there are other risks to look out for. Physicians like Harry Stylli are trained to be thorough and are bound by law to keep your details private.
STDs are Prevented or Treated
Some sexually transmitted diseases (or STDs) can go undetected for years, so it’s possible to have one and not even know it. Let your doctor know any odd symptoms you might be experiencing related to your sex life.
- Having a yearly exam and/or a PAP smear (if you’re a woman) can, among other things, detect STDs. Remember that early detection is key for any disease, which is another reason that regularly visiting your doctor is a good idea!
- If you suspect you have an STD but have been too embarrassed to seek treatment, there’s no time like the present. It’s dangerous to let anything go for too long; it might become a bigger problem than you thought.
- If you’re in a monogamous relationship, you and your partner might need to seek treatment together. Be transparent and honest with your doctor about any other sexual partners you might have had.
Something Has Changed
Like in our everyday lives, our sex lives also have ebbs and flows. And also like in our everyday lives, we need to seek help if something has changed that can no longer be handled alone.
- Sex is supposed to be pleasurable, not painful, and pain of any kind during intercourse needs to be brought up with a physician immediately.
- Being unable to climax can be a frustrating problem for you and for your partner. It can feel awkward to explain this to a doctor, but bear in mind that it is their job to listen and to help. It also helps to remember they have heard far weirder things in their career.
- Has your sexual appetite changed? Are you wanting sex more frequently than usual, or
are you no longer able to get in the mood? Either of these could be signs of something else happening and should be addressed with a doctor.
You Are Concerned About Your Child
Like it or not, high school seniors in the United States (about 55%) have had sex. If you find out that your teenager is sexually active, don’t freak out and punish them for doing what over half of American teens already do. Teach them to be responsibly active.
- Taking your child to their first appointment with a doctor to discuss sexual health is so important. This is laying the foundation for them to treat their sex lives with care and caution in the future.
- Encourage questions and don’t feel offended if you are asked to leave the room. In fact, offer to do so before you are asked. Let your teen ask as many questions as they want; the more they inquire, the more they will learn.
- Ask the doctor for further steps to take regarding this matter. They might have good advice on how to deal with a sexually active teen.
Discussing your sex life with your doctor is a vital part of your wellness. No matter how old you are, sexual health is always important!