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Cosmetic procedures have changed over the years. In the past, most cosmetic procedures were surgical or invasive. Anyone desiring a youthful look had to deal with the effects of aesthetic medicine, pain, and long recovery periods. Non-intrusive procedures were unpopular and expensive before the 1990s. Most people did not even consider them as an option because of a lack of proper information about the procedures. However, medical practitioners have been researching and introducing new non-intrusive procedures. Consequently, the non-invasive treatments have undergone a paradigm shift and become very popular. Here are the top non-invasive cosmetic procedures that everyone should look out for in 2017.

1. Botox

Botox is still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. In fact, the procedure is sometimes referred to as the ‘lunchtime’ treatment. The cosmetic procedure is fast, safe, and gives quick results. Millions of people undergo the procedure every year to avoid the surgical knife. Many of them are attracted to the instant results especially in removing wrinkles. The treatment involves relaxing the facial muscles temporarily to even out wrinkles. Botox treatment is also used to treat migraines and hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. The procedure will remain top on the list of popular non-invasive procedures in 2017.

2. Laser Tattoo Removal

Thousands of people struggle with ugly or unwanted tattoos. Tattoo removal procedures are in high demand including non-intrusive procedures. Today, cosmetic surgeons are using laser technology instead of surgical procedures to remove tattoos. Modern laser treatments work faster, cause minimal damage to the skin, and require fewer treatments. The procedure has become popular because of the short recovery process and few side effects. In fact, some people go for laser tattoo removal just a day or two after getting their tattoos.

3. Microdermabrasion

Removing dead skin cells makes the skin look younger and healthier. Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive treatment that removes dead skin cells. A rotation brush or wheel is applied on the damaged skin area, and a healthier skin layer is revealed after the procedure. The procedure also promotes the production of collagen. In addition, microdermabrasion is used to treat sun damage, remove wrinkles and other aging signs, and treat skin pigmentation.

However, an increasing number of people are opting for laser skin resurfacing instead of microdermabrasion. Both new and used aesthetic lasers can be used to perform the procedure. While laser resurfacing demands more recovery time and is more extensive, they are usually better for the treatment of deep scars.

4. Soft Tissue Fillers

Soft tissue fillers are used to treat sunken areas on the skin especially on the face. The tissue fillers remove creases and wrinkles and add volume to the skin. The procedure will continue to trend this year as people look for quick ways to look younger. Sometimes tissue fillers are used on the lips to make them appear larger and fuller.

The demand for non-invasive cosmetic procedures will continue to increase as people’s preferences shift to instant results and gratification. In the past, the high cost of these procedures and lack of information limited their popularity. However, today millions of people are undergoing several procedures in a year to improve their skin health and appearance.