Understanding that there are many viable options available to you and your partner, following the devastating diagnosis of infertility issues can be a heart wrenching experience. But we’re here to say, don’t give up hope, because you can have the family you’ve always dreamed of.

Few situations can shatter your life and discourage your dreams like learning that you or your partner suffer from infertility issues. The hope of the family you’ve always dreamed of is not that far away. Discussing fertility issues with the qualified professionals at a fertility clinic may seem daunting at first, but once you and your partner have heard the advice of these compassionate and caring individuals, you will undoubtedly be feeling much more confident and at ease.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

The first appointment at a fertility clinic is a huge first step into your journey of creating the family you’ve always dreamed of. Know that all professionals at a fertility clinic only have the goal to help you and your spouse conceive your child. Your first appointment will help both you and your healthcare professional figure out exactly what sort of fertility issues you have and how to adequately address them. Evaluations of medical historyand initial testing will take place.

It’s incredibly important to remember that your care team work as your personal advocates and never judge you for anything that you may have experienced in your life. It’s important to not only be comfortable with your healthcare team, but to also be upfront and honest about any questions that they may ask.

What to Bring

It’s important to be adequately prepared for your initial consultation with your fertility clinic. Anticipating their needs can help streamline the process to getting you and your partner to your ultimate goal, having a beautiful baby resting in your arms and gracing your household. Things that you should bring with you to your first appointment are:

  • Copies of both you and your partners medical records
    • These can be easily retrieved from your primary health provider.
    • Many providers are happy to fax, or send these documents via encrypted email should it be requested.
  • A list of questions for your fertility clinic doctor
    • The stress and excitement of visiting a fertility clinic for the first time is enough to wipe the memory of the most focused person clean. Prepare a list of questions that you and your spouse have about your infertility diagnosis prior to your visit and be sure to bring it with you.
    • Now is the time to ask questions about available emotional support or any tests that may be required. Reservations and concerns are also encouraged to be considered during this time.
  • Your Partner
    • Fertility issues affect more than just one person, no matter which one of you struggles with infertility issues personally. It’s important to bring your partner to these appointments if you can and if it is comfortable for your relationship
    • Most fertility clinics will want to be able to assess all avenues when it comes to treatment. Knowing what issues affect you and your partner are important for the fertility clinic specialists to be able to assess first hand.

Prepare Yourself

While you will be supply your personal medical records, it’s also important to recognise that medical records only paint part of the picture. Your fertility clinic team will undoubtedly be asking you personal and sometimes awkward questions. It’s wise to prepare yourself with key information and lists, so that you don’t forget anything during the excitement of your first appointment. Key lists to compile are:

  • Medications, vitamins, herbs, and any supplements you or your partner may take.
  • Key medical information, including allergies, conditions, previous evaluations, and details regarding your menstrual cycle.
  • Details regarding all of the previous attempts you have made to become pregnant.
  • Any applicable family histories of infertility.
  • Insurance information and coverage policies.

The Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, it is important that you not only prepare all of your medical history, but that you also become comfortable with your fertility clinic team. Questions to ask your fertility clinic team during the initial consultation are:

  • What specific test will be required, how much do they generally cost, and how do they relate to your initial diagnosis.
  • How long should you expect it to take to get the results of these tests? Most physicians will be unable to give you an exact date, but almost all fertility clinic doctors should be able to give you an idea of an expected timeline.
  • What treatments will be available to you based off of your initial diagnosis? What role will the nursing staff play in your personal journey? If further questions arise, is there someone that you can contact to get any answers that you are looking for?
  • Another important question to ask is how familiar the staff at your chosen fertility clinic are with patients who are in your age group and also suffer from your specific initial diagnosis.

Things to Remember

While it’s almost impossible not to feel vulnerable and downtrodden following the diagnosis of any fertility issue, it’s incredibly important to remember that you are not alone. Through the unending support and assistance from your fertility clinic team, friends, family, and partner, your dream of starting a family can be achieved. Never doubt that, and never doubt yourself.