In the 21st century a majority of people are suffering from the   common problem of hair loss which might lead to partial or complete partial baldness. The scientific term for this condition is androgenic alopecia and is commonly seen in men.A type of partial baldness is called the male pattern baldness. It derives its name from the fact that this type of bald-headedness is commonly seen in men and the hair falls out in similar pattern in most men. For each hair there is a growth cycle which starts to weaken and causes the hair follicle to shrink due to the effect of balding. This produces shorter and thinner strands of hair. Ultimately, the growth cycle comes to end and no hair grows in its place.


Stages of male pattern baldness

As measured in the Norwood scale la calvicie de patrón masculino can occur in different stages. In the first stage there is minimum hair loss. As the stages proceed, the amount of hair fall increases and the hair line starts to move backwards from the forehead towards the scalp. The hair loss might start from the centre of the head or the crown as well and then spread out towards the fore head. The most crucial stage is the last stage where most of the hair falls leaving behind a thin trail of hair at the sides and back of the head.

What cause this baldness?

The most common causes for this type of baldness are genetics and also the increase in the male hormone called androgen. Most of the people suffering from la calvicie de patrón masculinehave a family history of baldness. This can be passed down from either the mother’s or the father’s side of family. Other than the genetic cause, dysfunction of androgen can lead to partial baldness. The baldness can also result from some serious illness such as cancer, thyroid disorder or as a side effect of certain medications and anabolic steroids. Some fungal condition of the scalp or natural disorder can lead to excessive hair loss.

Treatment of baldness:

Along with aging, balding is seen in most men from the age of 50 years onwards. However, this can be prevented or delayed with the help of proper treatment. Some of them are as follows:

  • Medicines: there are some medicines that are approved by the FDA which are quite effective in treating hair fall. One such medicine is Minoxidili which can be applied directly to the scalp. There are other medicines which can be consumed orally in tablet form.
  • Hair transplant: in order to restore the lost hair transplant is the only option.  In this process the hair follicles are surgically removed from one part of the body and placed in the balding part of the body. However, this process has the potential to cause infection and scarring. In spite of the side effects this procedure is quite popular as it makes the hair look natural and beautiful.

Creating the illusion of shaved head: many people tend to avoid surgical process of hair restoration. For them Scalp micro pigmentation is the ideal solution which is permanent and requires very less effort to maintain.