Throughout our lives many of us will face the issue of loneliness at some point or another. All of us who have ever experienced the sensation will know the detrimental effects it can have on a person’s life and that it is something most of us will want to avoid if we can help it. Loneliness is a particularly sombre issue when it comes to the older population, being quite widespread among older adults. Plenty of research has been done on the subject and the results aren’t pleasant to hear. England has found that more than 2 million people over 75 live alone in the country and that more than a million older people go more than a month without speaking to friends, neighbours, or family members in the UK.

Loneliness can of course occur for many reasons and as we get older these reasons become more commonplace. When spouses pass away, when families move away from the local area, or when mobility issues hinder us from getting out and about, loneliness can often start to impact our lives. One way to help those in need would be for local communities, friends, and family to be able to spot the signs of loneliness and know how to respond when they see it. It’s important that older people know that they are not as alone as they believe.

Monarch Mobility have decided to create an infographic on this very subject, helping older people and those around them to know how to avoid loneliness in older age. Full with stats about the issue and advice for how to prevent loneliness itself, the graphic hopes to be an instructional and informative tool for older people and to help spread their word about the issue.