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Mental abuse is a type of domestic violence, even though it’s often much more difficult to pinpoint and prove than physical abuse. Being in a mentally abusive and controlling relationship can have a detrimental effect on every aspect of your life, including your other relationships, your self-esteem, career, family life, and overall mental well-being. Healing from a past relationship that was mentally controlling and abusive can take a lot of time and patience on your part. If you have recently gotten out of a mentally abusive relationship, the first thing to do is give yourself credit for taking this very important first step.

#1. Give Yourself Time:

Firstly, it’s important to understand that it takes time to recover from a mentally abusive relationship. Getting over everything will not happen instantly, so it’s important to be patient with yourself and give yourself the time that you need to adjust and take everything in your stride. This could mean taking some time off work if possible since you’ll need to focus on getting things such as your finances, housing, employment and more into account. If you have children together, you’ll need to consider things such as child support and custody.

#2. Seek Support:

The most important thing is that you have a supportive network of people around you who can help you put things back together in this difficult time. Enduring psychological abuse in a relationship can cause serious damage to your self-esteem and confidence levels, and it’s not uncommon to experience symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or even PTSD in severe situations. Reaching out for help can be difficult at first, but having friends and family members to support you will make the whole situation easier. It’s also advisable to get it touch with your doctor or a therapist who can help you.

#3. Find Hobbies and Interests:

For many people, getting out of an abusive relationship often means finding themselves all over again. In many cases, abusers stop you from doing the things that you enjoy the mostand create a life for you that is more in line with their wishes than your own. During the recovery process, taking the time to find new hobbies and interests to enjoy will give your mind something different and exciting to focus on, which can help speed up your recovery.

#4. Consider Joining a Support Group:

If there is one available in your area, consider joining a support group for survivors of domestic abuse. Often, it’s easier to speak to people who have been through the same kind of situation as yourself. Support groups offer a safe space for you to go to when you are feeling particularly down since you can talk with others who have had similar experiences. If you’re not feeling brave enough to join a support group, you can find support online on forums or blogs such as

Getting out of an abusive relationship is a massive step towards recovery. Good luck with the rest of your journey.