Protecting Your Health By Familiarizing Yourself With Common Errors Made By Doctors

Diagnosis Problems
When you visit your doctor, he or she will analyze your vital signs and ask you about your symptoms. They may also run a few tests and potentially even an X-ray. Then, they’ll used the information collected to try and form an accurate diagnosis for your current condition. While it might not seem like it, much of this is nothing more than a guessing game. Unfortunately, if your doctor makes a mistake, your true condition may go ignored and untreated. The doctor’s mistake could allow your condition to worsen and become far more severe.
If you find yourself in this type of scenario, you should reach out to a medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible. The doctor should be held liable for their error and a lawyer will be able to help you gain access to the reparations that you are owed.
Injuries At Childbirth
While you might not hear about it every day, doctors often injure babies during the birthing process. There is truly an abundance of risks involved and the doctor’s mistake could lead to brain injuries, fractured bones, and even Erb’s palsy. However, these injuries can also be caused by other problems. It isn’t always a sure sign of medical malpractice. If your child is suffering from one of these complications, you should certainly reach out to a lawyer. With their assistance, you will be able to find whether or not the doctor has a history of childbirth injuries. If they do, it might be a good idea to file a lawsuit and seek reparations.
Medication Errors
One of the most common medical errors involves the administration of medication. Medication errors can occur, while an internist is treating a patient in the hospital or a primary care physician is prescribing a new or refilling a medication in an outpatient client. The key is for people to be aware of their medications and never just take the word of the medical staff or physician. It is crucial to note that not all similar medications have the same appearance, because each brand will produce a unique tablet or capsule. If you have any questions, you should ask the prescribing physician or nurse, before consuming the medication.
If you notice a change in your medication, when you pick it up at the pharmacy, you should immediately speak with the pharmacist. These professionals can also make medication errors, so the best way to avoid them is by becoming familiar with your medication, including the color, size and imprints. Each manufacturer will utilize imprints to identify their medications, just because the medication has an unfamiliar imprint on it does not mean that it is different.