The short-term effects of alcohol are clear for all who drink – memory loss of the night before, lowered inhibitions, a restless night’s sleep, and, in the worst cases, alcohol poisoning. All of these contribute to a dreaded hangover the next day, but the problems don’t end there. Here are the long-term effects of alcohol on the mind and body.

High Blood Pressure

Drinking alcohol raises your high blood pressure in the short term, and regular consumption can even raise it in the long run. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attacks, memory loss, and dementia, so you want to keep it at a healthy level. The only way to prevent this is to cut down on drinking or become teetotal altogether. If you are a heavy drinker, then you should seek the advice of your doctor before completely cutting out alcohol, as suddenly stopping can be dangerous.

Weight Gain

Many people don’t think about calories when they drink alcohol, but many alcoholic beverages are full of calories. An average glass of wine contains around 130 calories, while a can of beer holds an average of 150. This might not seem like a lot, but if you are drinking multiple drinks throughout an evening, then it adds up quickly. Over time, this can lead to weight gain, which increases your risk of heart problems. Cutting back on the drinks will usually help you shed pounds quicker than changing up your meals.


Alcohol makes your organs age faster, but it doesn’t stop there. Regular consumption of alcohol decreases the elasticity of your skin, so you end up looking older, too. The result of this is wrinkles and sagging skin. To keep a youthful and healthy glow, you must avoid that extra glass of wine and make sure you drink plenty of water.


Regularly drinking a high volume of alcohol can quickly descend into addiction. If you find that you feel an urge to drink and can’t go a day without one, then there’s a chance you might be dependent on it. Addiction is a difficult thing to overcome, so if you feel you might be there, then you should consider for alcohol addiction treatment.

Memory Loss

Most drinkers know the feeling of forgetting a night out – a blackout can cause anxiety, feelings of regret, and confusion. What isn’t as well known, however, is how alcohol can affect your memory in the longterm. Alcohol destroys nerve cells in the brain, and over time, drinkers are at risk of losing their memory, and this particularly affects older consumers. The only way to combat this is to put down the bottle and pursue a healthier lifestyle.

Cutting out alcohol isn’t always easy, but doing so will help your body and mind stay healthy for longer.