Have you been considering a dog but are not sure if you’ll be able to meet their needs? Are you looking for a companion that won’t take up all your time?

If this describes you, then you’re in luck. We’re going to explore dog breeds that are easy to care for.

What Do Dogs Need?

Are you thinking about getting your first dog? Maybe you’re not sure where to start. If this is uncharted territory for you, here’s a list of things your new furry friend is going to need when you bring them home for the first time:

  • High quality food
  • A crate or a bed (though we recommend a crate)
  • Toys
  • Grooming supplies
  • Time
  • Companionship

You can always add in things like a doggie shirt or treats, though depending on your dog’s personality, you might be able to make certain kinds of people food or kibble into a “treat.” The above list contains things that your dog absolutely needs. There’s no replacement for taking the time to exercise and groom them. And there’s no way your dog will be happy if you’re not spending quality time with them. Since you’re thinking about getting a dog, let’s assume you already know the kind of commitment you’re making.

What Dogs are Easy to Care for?

The truth is that some dog breeds are more of a commitment than others. While we can’t tell you definitively which dog breed will be best for your situation, below are a few breeds that are known to be a bit easier to handle. Just keep in mind that there are no guarantees when it comes to an animal. Breeds are known to act in a characteristic way, but every dog is different. So even with a breed that is known to be a couch potato, you could still get an energetic dog.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) is a small to medium sized dog that was initially bred as a lapdog. While they have historically been used for hunting, the CKCS has kept that lapdog mentality. They’ll be extremely happy to just sit around with you. They’re also eager to please, which means they are highly trainable.

And all this comes in a cute package. They look almost like a puppy well into adult life.


As one of the smallest dogs around, the Chihuahua is a great choice. They only weigh up to six pounds and can almost fit into a pocket. Their tiny size means that they can go almost anywhere with you and be relatively unnoticed. That size can also be a problem though. Chihuahuas are not usually recommended for houses with young children. A child may accidently harm the dog.

The Chihuahua needs very little grooming. Only the occasional brushing is needed, and even then, there’s not much real estate to care for.


The standard Dachshund can weigh up to 32 pounds, so they are not too large. This “wiener dog” is a cute and affectionate companion that requires minimal exercise. Their short legs must work hard to move them around, so indoor exercise is totally an option for the Dachshund.

While they do have bursts of energy, the Dachshund will be very content to get some couch time with you.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is quite easy to care for. They are energetic, but they have very low endurance. This means that a quick game of fetch or tug-of-war can wear them out, and they’ll be right back to sleeping in their favorite spot.

Frenchies like structure, so some simple obedience training can go a long way and help them to focus their energy.


Greyhounds are known as the fastest dog around, but at heart they are lazy. Most Greyhounds like to spend time laying around, though they do need a daily walk and the occasional chance to run. They’re not very high energy, so you should have no problem tiring them out with a basic exercise routine.

Greyhounds are very trainable and make a great companion that’s not too large.

Making A Case for Age

When you’re looking for a dog that will be easy to care for, don’t rule out an adult dog. When many people get a dog, they immediately think they want a puppy. The argument is that you get to watch the dog grow up and train them the way you like. While that’s true, the easiest dog to care for is one that already has a foundation.

Adult dogs are easier to care for and should already know what to expect. Whether you are looking for a specific breed or a dog of a certain age, welcoming a dog into your life will be certain to bring you joy.

Don’t Get Too Hung Up on Breed

At the end of the day, it’s about choosing the right dog for your lifestyle. If you find yourself bonding with a dog that doesn’t fit your “ideal breed,” don’t sweat it. It’s more important that you find a dog you bond with over what kind of dog you get. At the end of the day, it’s best to go with your gut instinct when choosing the right dog for you.