Image result for 4 Benefits of Biomimetic Dentistry

Up to 15% of Americans are so worried about the pain and discomfort associated with dental procedures that they avoid going to the dentist altogether. That equates to 40 million people who miss out on important dental care. Such care could not only help whiten teeth and reverse gingivitis, but it can also potentially alert their Moorestown dentist to health risks such as gingivitis, heart disease, and even diabetes. When dental care is avoided, bacteria and decay have the chance to continue their expansive growth. This can lead to expensive, extensive, and often painful treatment requirements. Biomimetic dentistry can relieve all your dental nightmares. But what’s so special about this weird-sounding new type of dentistry?

Biomimetic Dentistry Conserves Teeth

Modern dentistry has evolved significantly since its ancient roots. However, cosmetic and restorative branches still rely on many procedures that have advanced minimally over the past century. Certainly, the materials have changed, but the applications can use some major modernization. Rather than using harsh materials that can weaken and crack existing teeth, biomimetic dentistry only eliminates the minimal amount of decay or bacteria necessary to bring forward the beauty and functionality of the patient’s actual teeth.

Biomimetic Dentistry Minimizes the Need for Root Canals

Over 41,000 root canals are performed every day which converts to 15 million on a yearly basis. That leads to a lot of work, pain, and cost. It also leads to a lot of overwhelming fear and stress for the patient. After all, root canals literally involve removing all decay by drilling through the tooth into the roots. There’s bound to be a significant amount of discomfort. Biomimetic dentistry minimizes the need for such invasive procedures by up to 90%. Bio means “lifelike” and mimetic means “copy”. Instead of drilling away at the teeth, biomimetic dentistry uses dye and lasers to remove only what’s necessary before filling the space with a strong but flexible bonding agent.

Biomimetic Dentistry Brings Out the *Natural* Beauty of Your Teeth

As bright and shiny as our favorite celebrities’ Hollywood smiles are, chiclet teeth are one-size-fits-all solutions. In most cases, those pearly whites are veneers or hard casings that resemble little, if any, of the original structure. Try to pick out red carpet A-listers by their teeth alone, and chances are you’ll go crazy during the attempt. While those smiles are camera-ready beauty standards, many people prefer a more achievable level of authenticity to their appearance. Biomimetic dentistry uses strong, flexible materials that fill in the problem areas while adding to the natural beauty of your teeth without attempting to hide or change the original structure.

Biomimetic Dentistry Can Save You Time and Money

A recent study found that a lifetime of traditional dentistry treatment for just one molar costs over $6,000. This is largely due to repair and replacement requirements. Traditional composite fillings shrink over time and allow more decay to set into the teeth. Metal fillings expand and deteriorate, leading to cracked teeth and future health concerns. Biomimetic dentistry options use updated materials that add to your teeth instead of destroying them. The initial treatments often take longer than traditional dental options, but most treatments don’t require replacements or repairs. Biomimetic dentistry provides longer lasting restorations that prevent recurrent decay and complement the biochemistry of the body. Contact your Moorestown Dentist for a healthier and more conservative approach to dental care.