7 Cosmetic Dental Procedures

When you wish to enhance your smile, you have multiple options for cosmetic dental procedures.

Even a few reality television shows have demonstrated how a cosmetic dentist can turn practically anyone’s teeth into the look they desire.

Top 7 types of cosmetic dental procedures

The following procedures may not work for everyone. Your dentist can help you choose the most effective strategy for improving your smile.

Cosmetic Tooth Whitening

Also known as “teeth bleaching,” this process helps brighten and whiten discoloured and/or stained teeth. It may be performed at a dentist’s office or at home. 1 It is essential to see your dentist before bleaching your teeth, as not all teeth can be lightened.

Veneers for Cosmetic Dentistry 

Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite material. They are custom-made and bonded to the tooth’s front surface. A veneer can be used to correct dental issues such as slightly misaligned teeth, discoloured teeth, chipped teeth, and even gaps between the teeth. 2

Dental implants

Dental implants are metal devices intended to replace lost teeth. Typically, the device is constructed of titanium and is surgically implanted into the jawbone where the lost tooth is located. 3 A dental implant is intended to serve as the tooth’s root and can be used to secure prosthetic teeth such as a crown, bridge, or denture.

Cosmetic Dental Crowns 

Crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made to fit over your entire tooth after a cosmetic dentist has prepped it. Typically, they are constructed of acrylic or porcelain bonded to metal to withstand biting pressure. Crowns can be used in aesthetic dentistry to fix teeth that are poorly formed, severely decaying, cracked, chipped, or have big fillings, as well as to cover gaps between teeth.

Teeth Shaping

Also known as “enamel shaping,” the dentist can contour the tooth by filing or removing enamel. This procedure is typically painless and has instant results.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is the technique through which tooth-colored materials are glued (bonded) to teeth for cosmetic purposes. This process can be used to restore or enhance the appearance of a tooth that has been severely discoloured, damaged, or chipped.

Cosmetic Orthodontic Treatment 

Increasing numbers of individuals are getting orthodontic treatment for cosmetic improvements. If you have buck teeth or crooked teeth, consult your dentist about the possibility of orthodontic treatment.

Is Cosmetic Dental safe?

When performed by a skilled and experienced dentist or orthodontist, cosmetic dental procedures are generally considered to be safe. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks involved, and patients should be aware of them prior to receiving treatment. Among the potential dangers associated with cosmetic dental procedures are the following:

After having their teeth whitened or undergoing other cosmetic procedures, certain individuals may experience temporary sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. Rarely, patients may experience an allergic reaction to materials used in cosmetic dental procedures, such as the resin used in bonding or the latex used in certain types of braces.

If a cosmetic procedure is not performed correctly, the patient’s teeth could be damaged. If veneers are applied too aggressively, for instance, the underlying tooth may become weakened.

Overall, the safety of cosmetic dental procedures is determined by the skill and experience of the dentist or orthodontist performing the procedure, as well as the oral health of the patient. It is important for patients seeking cosmetic dental treatment to conduct research and select a reputable and qualified provider.

Summary on cosmetic dental procedures

The purpose of cosmetic dental procedures is to improve the appearance of the teeth, mouth, and smile. These procedures can be used to address a variety of aesthetic issues, including tooth discoloration, chips, gaps, and misalignment.

Whitening, veneers, bonding, and braces are examples of common cosmetic dental procedures. Many of these procedures can be completed in only one or two dental visits, and the results can be quite dramatic, giving patients a whiter, more attractive smile.


MaryleboneSmileClinic.co.uk – Different types of veneers explained

ClinicalTrials.gov – Clinical Longevity of Ceramic Laminate Veneers