Vicodin, known as hydrocodone in its generic form, is a highly addictive prescription narcotic pain medication. It is one of the most prescribed pain medications available. There is a high potential associated with Vicodin and addiction. Getting help, like entering into Vicodin detox in California, can help save the life of yourself, a friend or loved one.

Understanding How Addiction Develops

Prolonged use of prescription narcotics, like Vicodin, is a leading factor in the cause of addiction and abuse of the prescription pills. Doctors prescribe the medication mainly for assistance with pain relief from an injury or painful procedure. In some cases, it is also prescribed with respiratory illnesses where persistent coughing causes pain as Vicodin is also considered to be a cough suppressant.

Not feeling pain or having relieve from chronic disorders is partially what leads to the development of an addiction. Intense pain requires an assistant to cease or lessen. The dependency begins as a person relies on the drug to take the pain away. For some, the dependency starts with something as simple as taking Vicodin for a minor ailment such as a headache instead of Motrin or ibuprofen options, as an example.

The psychological connection between feeling pain and having a remedy is what causes an addict to turn to the narcotic rather than a non-addictive option. As a tolerance to the medication develops, which does occur often with prolonged use, more of the drug is required for the addict to find satisfactory pain relief. This often leads to running out of a prescription early and having to find other means to obtain the drug or an alternative.

Vicodin Leading to Heroin Addiction

Heroin is one of the most common street drugs that is used as a substitute for prescription pills like Vicodin. It provides many of the same effects on the body as prescription pills do. It helps take away the pain. Heroin is also less expensive than most prescription pills, which is what makes it appealing as an alternative for those with a need to be pain-free.

When a doctor refuses to write a new prescription or provide a higher dosage, a person with a dependency on the drug will find another way to ease physical pain. When the addiction takes over a person’s life, it is both a physical and psychological dependency. An addiction to the effects of the drug takes effect.

Heroin is far more difficult to quit than pills given its physical hold on an individual. It has physical withdrawal symptoms like intense muscle cramping, vomiting, headaches and even rage. It is the mind’s way of showing its displeasure with not being medicated and needing the drug to feel “normal”.

Getting Help

The most common reaction when confronted with an addiction is denial and defensiveness. Admitting that there is a problem is difficult for an addict. It is not that they do not want help treating heroin addiction, it is mainly fear of the withdrawal and living life being able to feel again.

It is important to offer treatment options to your loved one. Seeing that they have options and can choose the center that is the most comfortable for them is part of what helps the treatment program be successful. The addict needs to hear what the addiction has done to them and how it really affects all of those around them. It is important to go about the confrontation process with love and compassion. Refrain from using accusations or harsh language as this often leads to the addict becoming angered and having increased denial.


Addicts need positive people in their lives. They need encouragement to fight the battle of kicking an addiction to heroin and other drugs that may be in their systems. Positive reinforcement gives them a sense of pride and hope that they can beat the addiction.

The encouragement and support needs to continue after treatment is complete. This helps prevent relapses. It is important for the support system around an addict to understand what their triggers are and how to help them through temptation. Knowing when a loved one is on the verge of a relapse is important as it is the ideal opportunity to instruct them to contact their sponsor and get to a meeting immediately.

With a proper approach and proper support system, an addict can recover and become the person they were before. There is hope for addicts; they are not lost causes. Addiction can be a thing of the past rather than a recurring nightmare. Give the addict in your life the love and support they need to quit their drug of choice completely.