9 Simple Meditation Tips for Beginners of All Ages

In the usual rush of life, things often tend to get too hectic, which leads to added amounts of stress and neglect of personal health. Daily irritants, significant occurrences and many more things pile up to make one feel a little out of control and lost. While there is no way to make such feelings completely disappear at home, learning how to do meditation will surely go a long way in helping you manage stress effectively.

Meditation is a disciplinary practice that involves different breathing exercises. These practices help your mind and body feel more centred, stress levels go down and give you a better state of mind to face the day ahead. Regular meditation practice has countless benefits for one’s mind and body that has lifelong positive effects like improving cognitive, heart and lung function, managing stress levels in the body and more. If you are a beginner, you can quickly learn how to do meditation from sites like cult.fit. Here are a few simple meditation techniques for beginners:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: This is a type of meditation technique that’s used to recognise different thought patterns. You have to sit in an isolated room with complete silence and let your mind experience thoughts and emotions. You have to allow the thoughts to run through your mind and note patterns without letting them disrupt your calm state of mind.
  • Mantra Meditation: Mantra meditation involves sitting in a quiet, comfortable position and continuously repeating mantras like “Om”. You can also explore different mantras based on what you’re trying to achieve and what your current state of mind is. The humming sound of mantras helps your mind focus better by centering your mind and reinforcing positive beliefs in your mind.
  • Visualisation Meditation: This technique involves you coming up with calming scenarios and images in your mind. When you sit in a quiet room and allow your mind to wander with your breaths, make sure it goes to a calm place and visualises a scenery that genuinely makes you happy. This type of visualisation is beneficial in reducing anxiety and depression.
  • Focused Meditation: Focused meditation requires you to focus on any one of your five senses, for, e.g., hearing. Sit in a quiet room and make sure you are comfortable. Now, close your eyes and focus your attention on listening intently to the sounds you are surrounded by. This type of meditation helps you gently clear your mind and focus your attention on external stimulation to achieve a relaxed state of mind.
  • Movement Meditation: If you have ever felt like you’re too restless to be able to sit in one place and meditate, this is for you. Going out alone and taking a relaxing walk in a calm place, preferably surrounded by nature, also works great to calm your mind.

With these techniques, you can quickly learn how to do meditation to control your emotions better. Take a look at the cult.fit’s meditation for beginners guides for some expert guidance that will teach you how to master meditation. Get started!