Tips on Finding Ways to Keep Fit When Affected by Chronic Illness
While it is true that exercise has a lot of health benefits for the body, it can be very difficult to do simple everyday tasks when you are affected by…
How Excpectation To Check Your Work Emails Can Damage Your Health and Life Success
Working, studying and discovering new things is a very important part of our lives nowadays. It has become something so daily-like due to the number of hours we spend online…
Same Day Dentistry -Things You Need to Know
When looking around for a new dentist, or when sitting in your current dentist’s office, you may have heard about Same Day Dentistry. As you’re sitting there you might think…
Choose a Child specialist who offers best care to your child
Your children are most important for you in life. Well! Their health is undoubtedly your priority and responsibility. At all cost you cannot compromise with their health because you are…
Everybody Wins with Affordable Health Care
Affordable health care may seem like it only benefits patients and consumers, with healthcare providers, governments and insurance firms having to foot the bill, so to speak. In reality, however,…
Don’t Mess with your Bone Health
An individual's bone health is determined by a variety of factors. For some, diminished bone health can be blamed on old age. For others, a petite frame or family history…
The role of spirituality in addiction treatment
Many people think of addiction treatments as being based solely on science. In years gone by this was true, to a great extent. The most obvious reason for this is…
Goal setting in recovery – how to make it effective
Anyone who is recovering from addiction can benefit from focusing on the positives that can be achieved. This helps people to keep the focus away from the activities that they…
Why Your Body and Mind Needs More Dopamine
You have probably heard of Dopamine before, but maybe not stopped to fully appreciate what it is. As it turns out, Dopamine is one of the natural “brain chemicals”, otherwise…
Are acai berries miraculous for your health?
You may have heard that acai berries are considered super fruits, because they have many health benefits. It is considered that they are some of the most nutritious fruits on…