Macronutrients and Their Thermal Effects
All food that we consume uses calories aka energy to break down and metabolize it so that we can use it in our body. How many calories this uses is…
4 Ways to Keep Wrinkles at Bay
Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, and there’s not much we can do to stop them from appearing altogether as we get older. However, the good news…
7 Lifestyle Changes to Get Rid of Cold sore for Good
Cold sores have no known cure just like a typical cold. Nevertheless, you can make some fundamental lifestyle changes in your life as means of eliminating cord sores in your…
Three ways to improve your family’s health and wellness
Looking after your family can be a tall order, no matter how big or small your family is. Spending long hours sitting at your desk or sitting in traffic, choosing…
5 Ways Hospital Administrators Can Help Relieve Stress in Their Staff
Of all the occupations in the world, it appears as though healthcare workers from doctors and nurses through to technicians and support staff seem to be exposed to the greatest…
How to avoid loneliness in older age
Throughout our lives many of us will face the issue of loneliness at some point or another. All of us who have ever experienced the sensation will know the detrimental…
Top ways to help with smelly dentures
A bad breath is the worth thing that you can possibly carry around. It’s not just embarrassing but also greatly lowers your self confidence. Well, you should always be seeking…
A Look at the Future of Health Information Management
Healthcare IT is becoming its own niche, both because of the different software used to manage patient records and the far stricter rules surrounding information security and privacy from even…
Down with Stress: How to Relax More Every Day
How external issues affect us can either bring in positive or negative change. Stress, for example, can be a positive, if it isn’t chronic. Being stressed to reach a deadline…
Recovering After an Injury: Recovery Means More than Physical Healing
Did you know that a workplace injury happens every 7 seconds. That’s 12,900 workers per day. And that’s just on the job. Those numbers don’t include car wrecks, sport related…