How to Improve Your Health After a Worrying Injury
When you are diagnosed with a serious condition, life seems to stop. Being faced with your own mortality in any way is a horrible wake-up call, but once you process…
End Citizens United Targets the “Big Money 20”
In 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States made a very controversial decision. The case in question was called Citizen United v. The Federal Election Commission. As a result…
What Does My Cloudy Urine Means?
For many decades, or even since the beginning of medicine, the color of urine has been one of the primary diagnostic tools used. The urine reveals important information about our…
High-Tech MFA and SSO with OneLogin
The Current State of IT The server rooms and round-table discussions are fraught with distress, angry comments and a lot of "I'm not sure" surrounding the topic of how companies…
5 Ways a Humidifier Can Improve Your Health
Winter is characterized by dry air inside your home, often caused by your heater running all the time combined with the cold outside. If you live in a climate that…
The Dangers of Drug Interactions
In the United States, roughly half of the population suffers from diabetes, heart disease or high cholesterol, or a combination of the above. Despite that, a huge percentage of people…
What are symptoms of Marijuana overdose
Do you continue abusing marijuana with the consolation that you cannot die from an overdose? This is one of the reasons why may people consider marijuana less harmful than others.…
The Best Portable Vaporizer to Use in a Movie Theatre
I don’t know about you, but I was in high school still when vaporizers were gaining momentum. In high school though, of course, my peers weren’t particularly interested in the…
8 Steps to Better Cardiovascular Health
The human body is an amazing biological machine, and at its core is the heart, which delivers oxygen-rich blood throughout the body via an intricate network of blood vessels. Under…
The Three Fastest-Growing Health-Related Careers in Developing Nations
Working in the healthcare field can feel like a never-ending grind. It isn’t uncommon to resent the repetition in making the same drive every morning, seeing similar patients with similar…